Tuesday, October 3, 2017

How to Sell Stocks Online using Philstocks One Screen

We already talked about how to Buy at ASK, Sell at BID and How to Buy Stocks Online using Philstocks One Screen on my previous post. Now, Pagusapan naman natin pagbenta ng stocsk using your Philstocks One Screen.

This topic is intended for people na mag oopen or may account sa Philstocks, I personally use Philstocks as my online broker but I always recommend people to open an account sa Col Financial if this will be the first time they will invest in stocks. I will be posting also a separate article on selling and buying stocks using Col financial Platform (yey!), but for now let focus on philstocks.

Look at the image below, This is Philstocks One Screen Platform. ibig sabihin, you can execute orders sa isang screen lang, no new tab, no link to open. Very convenient diba?
Again, Yes it's a little bit complicated, pero like I always said before when buying and selling stocks, Focus lang tayo sa Stock Symbol, ASK-BID Table at  at Boardlot.
Stock Symbol: Eto yung symbol ng Company na gusto mong bumili o magbenta ng stocks

ASK-BID table: Eto naman yung top 5 highest and lowest price ng stocks ng mga nag bebenta at willing bumili ng stocks.

Boardlot: Eto naman ung minimum number of shares na pwede mong bilin sa isang company.

When selling your stocks, You only need to focus at BID Column, Price at Boardlot.

Sa BID, you will see 3 columns. Yung PRICE, Volume, Number of Seller

Price is yung presyo na willing bilin ng isang buyer

Volume yung dame ng shares na willing nilang bilin at their specific price.

Number of Buyers ay yung dame ng buyers na willing bumili ng shares sa isang company

On our Screenshot below, You will see na the highest price a buyer willing to buy a shares sa ALI ay P43.70 with volume of 100 shares. merun naman isang buyer na willing bumili ng 500 shares at P43.65.  

 Always sell on the highest price available kung gusto mo agad ma matched ang order mo. 

Can you set your own price? oo naman, If you feel na during the day, or during the week your stocks will hit at higher price, pwede. Pero Let's say na ang target price mo talaga for ALI is at P43. You can sell right away at the highest bid price available and get your profit. 

Kung yung Ask price mo naman ay hindi na matched sa bid price, macacancel ang order mo depende sa validity nito kung for Day, Week or Year.

Let's say na we have 100 shares sa ALI and we decided to sell it at the highest BID Price available which is P43.7. Click on the SELL button sa toolbar section sa right ng screen mo.

Once clicked, lalabas agad tong sell tab, Instant! No loading. First thing you will notice is the computation of my Gain/Loss, fees are already included so nothing to worry na. I will gain P87.06 if I will sell my 100 shares at the highest Bid price available which is P43.7, Di gaano kalaki. haha

If decided kana, just click submit and after few seconds, makikita mo na sa Orders tab sa toolbar section na matched na order mo. The money you gain will be available again sa balance mo to buy a new stocks. 

Here is the cropped version ng SELL TAB.

GAIN/LOSS - The amount of money you will gain or loss if you sell the stocks on your chosen price.

SYMBOL - Yung Symbol ng Stocks na gusto mong ibenta.

SHARES - Dame ng shares, on ALI, Minimum share is 100, so you can Sell shares at 100, 200, 300 and so on.

Position - current volume of shares na merun ka

PRICE- Your selling price sa ibebenta mong shares.

Acq. Cost - Yung price na nabili mo yung shares

FEES- Commission ng Broker mo when executing your orders, (Most Online Broker has the same amount of fees)

GRAND TOTAL - Total ng makukuha mong pera after selling your stocks

LOT - Normal, always choose normal.

VALIDITY - Kung gano ka katagal willing ibenta ang shares mo at your chosen price, kung pinili mo yung highest one available sa BID column, ma execute agad ang order mo pero kung mas mahal sa pinakamahal na available, You can choose kung gano katagal, pwedeng one day, one week, one month or one year. If walang ma matched, macacancel yung order at babalik lang yung shares sa portfolio mo.  

Now after you place your order, you can check it status sa ORDER button sa toolbar section.

That's it guys! You have successfully sell your stocks and earn some! next thing you will do is look for another stocks to buy na undervalued or ang price is below its fair value then wait again to hit your target price.

Happy Investing investors and traders!

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